Volunteer Opportunities

Read about volunteer opportunities with members of the Immigrant Coalition of Rhode Island here. To get involved, click on the name of an organization or the link to its volunteer information. To learn more about each organization in general, refer to our Who Are We? page.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Rhode Island

The ACLU of Rhode Island always needs help doing research, doing mailings to keep members informed, and other tasks. If you would like to become actively involved in the ACLU by donating your time, please download their volunteer questionnaire.

If you are a lawyer and are interested in serving as an ACLU Cooperating Attorney, download their Cooperating Attorney form.

AMOR (Alliance to Mobilize Our Resistance)

In the wake of recent presidential executive orders and in the hopes of mitigating their impact on communities here in Rhode Island, AMOR asks for your support. To find out how you can join the network fill, out AMOR’s preliminary support form here.

College Visions

College Visions’ students depend on friends like you to help them enter, persist in, and ultimately graduate from college. There are a variety of ways you can give your time to make a difference in the life of students in College Visions. To learn more, click here.


Crossroads offers a variety of group volunteer opportunities for corporate, civic, and faith-based groups looking to give back to the community, including:

  • Assembling Welcome Home Kits for newly-housed clients

  • Preparing and serving meals in the Crossroads kitchen

  • Maintaining or beautifying spaces at one of Crossroads’ properties

  • Hosting a holiday dinner, party, or other activity for clients

  • Donating professional services to clients 

If your group is interested in volunteering with Crossroads, please contact the community relations manager at rfigueroa@crossroadsri.org detailing your interest. 

Individual volunteer opportunities at Crossroads are limited. Please contact volunteer@crossroadsri.org for more information.

DARE (Direct Action for Rights and Equality)

DARE hosts community events and creates campaigns for social, political, and economic justice. To get involved with DARE, fill out this form.

The Domestic Violence Resource Center of South County (DVRCSC)

The Domestic Violence Resource Center of South County is seeking volunteers who are able to listen, assist with services, provide resources, and guide the next steps for those in need. If you have 4 hours a week and can be part of a team who can make a difference in the lives of people, contact DVRCSC today. DVRCSC is also looking for as-needed volunteers in communications/social media, operating information tables at events, mailing invitations for special events, and more.

Dorcas International Institute of RI

Dorcas International Institute of Rhode Island provides programs and services to immigrants, refugees, and those looking to overcome cultural, educational, economic, and language barriers. Dorcas welcomes all community members and supporters to be a part of the Dorcas International family. Please fill out this form if you are interested.

The Economic Progress Institute (EPI)

Advocacy requires many voices. If you are looking for ways to help ensure economic progress for all Rhode Islanders, there are many campaigns you can join, such as the Rhode Island Campaign for Quality Child Care and the Protect Our HEALTHCARE Coalition. You can also get involved in influencing state policy or serve on a statewide advisory committee. Learn about these opportunities and more here.

The Latino Policy Institute (LPI)

The Latino Policy Institute at Roger Williams University seeks to stimulate public policy discourse by objectively examining and communicating the evolving Latino experience in Rhode Island. To learn how to get involved with the LPI, you can message the team directly from this web form.

Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island

As a non-profit organization, the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island – and partnering agencies – are looking for a few good volunteers. Opportunities to help abound. You’ll be rewarded with social connections, networking opportunities, and satisfaction of time well-spent.

Contact Robyn Goldstein at 401-421-4111 ext. 182 or rgoldstein@jewishallianceri.org to learn more about current opportunities and a “volunteer match.”

The Olneyville Neighborhood Association

Dedicated to providing solidarity among low-income households, immigrant communities, and people of color in the Olneyville area, ONA strives to provide programs that help the community overcome obstacles imposed upon them. The ultimate mission is to achieve social and economic justice. Volunteers support adult technology and literacy programs, participate in organizing and advocacy efforts, and help with grant writing and administrative tasks. Contact onaprovidence@gmail.com to get involved.

Planned Parenthood of Southern New England

There are many volunteer roles available at Planned Parenthood of Southern New England, including administration volunteers, health center volunteers, escort program volunteers, health center advocacy, event volunteers, and more. Learn more and fill out a volunteer application here.

Progreso Latino

Individuals and groups from schools, universities, community groups and businesses are welcome to volunteer with Progreso Latino. Please complete this form and a Progreso Latino team member will contact you. Thank you for your interest.

Refugee Dream Center

The Refugee Dream Center is always looking for volunteers who are interested in sharing their time and talents. Volunteers support ESL programs in Adult Education, the Journey to Health program, and a new Refugee Mentoring program. Learn about each of these roles and more here. Please email RDC if you are interested (info@refugeedreamcenter.org) and they will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Rhode Island Center for Justice

Attorneys interested in volunteering to represent a low-income client can contact Jordan Mickman at jmickman@centerforjustice.org. Additionally, there are internships available for undergraduate and law students who are interested in CFJ’s mission. View information about these internships here.

Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence

The Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence welcomes volunteers who are interested in helping with events and supporting its legislative agenda. For more information about volunteering with RICADV, click here.

Rhode Island Interfaith Coalition to Reduce Poverty

There are several ways to get involved with the Rhode Island Interfaith Coalition to Reduce Poverty. Individuals can bring advocacy training to their communities, lobby at the state house, attend Coalition events, and sign up for updates. E-mail riinterfaithcoalition@gmail.com to express interest and visit its Facebook page here.

Jobs With Justice

Jobs With Justice is fighting for workers, including speaking out against employers who manipulate weak immigration and labor laws to exploit the vulnerable. To sign up for the Jobs With Justice activist network, click here.

Roger Williams University Immigration Law Clinic

Students enrolled in the Roger Williams University Immigration Law Clinic represent immigrants who are in need and seeking lawful permanent residence in the United States or defense from removal proceedings. Interested students can contact the clinic’s Director, Deborah Gonzalez, at dgonzalez@rwu.edu.

Sojourner House

Sojourner House is an organization that was founded by a group of dedicated volunteers in 1976. Though it has experienced tremendous growth over the last 40+ years, Sojourner House still relies on the generosity of those who choose to donate their time to its cause. Volunteers are a group of individuals who are passionate about the cause and are committed to ending domestic and sexual violence in our communities. Though Sojourner House’s needs vary throughout the year, it often is in need of dedicated, reliable individuals to provide administrative support and to answer its hotline. Additional roles include community outreach assistants and childcare assistants. Learn more and apply to volunteer here.

Truth in Immigration Project

The Truth In Immigration Project seeks to examine U.S. labor needs and how they relate to the immigration system. If you would like to volunteer to conduct research with the Truth in Immigration Project, click here to fill out a form. Areas of research include the effects of immigration on wages and employment.